Thursday, July 30, 2009

I need 2 appointments

Charlie and Caroline are 11 weeks old this week so they are just a week and a few days shy of beign 3 months old and I am still having reality checks about having twins. I obviously know that I have twins, but sometimes it still amazes me.
I called the doctor's office this afternoon to schedule their 4 month check up and after she gave me a date and time, I had to remind the nurse that I needed 2 appointments since I have twins. But yesterday at lunch I had a realization of what my life will be like in a few short months.

I had a lunch meeting yesterday and we went to P.F. Chengs in Arlington. There was a cute older couple holding a set of twins a few tables away from me. They were very proud grandparents holding what looked to be 8 month old twins. As they got up to leave the table, I saw that grandma was busy paying the bill. Grandpa got up with a baby, mom had a baby and mom's friend had a baby too--they were triplets with a 2 1/2 year old older sister. I smiled at the mom as she got up to leave with most people around her staring in amazement and thought to myself how thankful I am to have twins!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get to take the twins in at the same time - will it take both you and Gerald to taek them in? Oh my, that will be a long appointment.
